Meet Jeffrey

Meet our intelligent and helpful IT specialist Jeffrey. He’s been at the ready to help his colleagues with technical problems for the past decade. IT is his passion. What he likes best about his job is the constant evolution, the daily learning, and the interests that you constantly expand. It’s an exciting challenge that he enthusiastically faces head on. Jeffrey enjoys working at Dockx because of the great colleagues and friendly company atmosphere. Apart from his job at Dockx, Jeffrey is an avid gamer; you may know him by his gamer name, ‘Redostrike’. He also enjoys watching series and immersing himself in the innovative world of 3D printing. Jeffrey is someone who gives his all when he starts something. He has also been happily married to his wife for nine years; they have a four-year-old son. Read more about Jeffrey and his passions and pastimes here.


Can you tell us something about the course of your career? 

I’ve been working for Dockx 10 years now, how time flies. So I’ve been with the company for quite some time and experienced a lot of things. A lot has changed over the past 10 years, but this makes my work challenging and varied. IT is developing all the time and this means that all colleagues come into contact with our department at some time or another. So I’ve got good contact with all Dockx’s services. Everyone knows me and I know everyone. On a personal level in these 10 years I’ve got married, bought a house and become a father.


What do you like most about your job? 

I like being able to help a colleague with a problem by providing an appropriate solution.  And it’s sometimes a challenge for me too to arrive at this solution. I can solve some problems based on my experience, but I do also come up against new problems. That’s when I have to think outside the box or apply problem-solving thinking, it’s like a puzzle that has to be solved. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to find the solution and that I’ve learnt something in the process. And my colleagues are always grateful that I can help them. So I really like being there for my colleagues every day.


What are your main tasks?  

I often start the day with a question. I have my standard tasks, but my schedule for the day can be overturned at any moment if a colleague has an IT problem. I get asked all kinds of questions: it may be about software, or it may be hardware, telephony, cameras, internet or network. So my job is really varied and is different every day. This keeps me sharp and I’m learning new things all the time.


What is your most memorable Dockx moment? 

I’ll always remember the moment when I heard I’d got the job. I was a young guy without much experience, yet Dockx gave me the opportunity - I’ll always be grateful for that. It gave me a very good feeling as I’d been rejected by other companies a few times because I didn’t have enough experience. 


Are you passionate about cars yourself?

For me a car is a means to get you from point A to point B. I also like to look at the gadgets on the car and then a Tesla (Model S) jumps out. I love all the technology on this car. 


What do you like to do in your free time? 

My son is nearly 4 years old, so I spend a lot of time with him. I also spend a lot of my free time on the computer. IT is a passion. In addition to watching and reading various things about IT or configuring and modifying my own home network/server, I play a lot of video games. I also love binge watching TV series, in a wide variety of genres - from Sci-Fi, drama, thriller, comedy to crime or action. I also do a lot of 3D printing.


Are you musical?    

Does singing off key in the shower count? When I listen to music, I generally just put the radio on (Q-Music). Sometimes I also enjoy listening to relaxing piano music, while at other times I like Female Gothic Rock. A lot depends on my mood. I also sometimes put a podcast on, about IT or games.t.


How do you like to spend your holidays?

My most memorable holiday was 9 years ago. That’s when I went to New York. I’d dreamed about going there for a long time. This dream was partly due to a series I watch, that shows New York a lot. So it was really exciting to see it for real. I’m certainly going to go back there sometime and I want to take my son with me. Unfortunately my wife is afraid of flying. I spend most of my holidays at home. I really enjoy spending a day binge watching a series or gaming until the early hours of the morning. 


What is your personal highlight in your life? 

The birth of my son. I think that every parent would say this, it’s a moment you just can’t describe. The feelings released are indescribable.


Who or what makes you laugh? 

Some of the things my son says are so funny. Sometimes I ask myself where he gets them from. I’m a bit of a joker myself at home, so people often laugh with me (or may be they’re laughing at me, who knows 😊 ). 


What is your greatest ambition in life?

IT is a very broad world that’s moving all the time. Keeping up to date with the latest technology is a must in my job. There are aspects of IT that I’m still unfamiliar with and learning more about them just strengthens my range of knowledge. The more I know, the better I can help my colleagues.