Manual Mobility Van XL

Using the Mobility Van, a wheelchair-friendly car, you can easily and comfortably transport up to 4 people with their wheelchair. How does it work? It's very simple! In the instruction video you will find a clear explanation of every step so that you can set off without a worry. If you still have some questions, Our employees are happy to help.

How does the Mobility Van work?


The Mobility Van XL is a wheelchair-accessible vehicle suitable for one or more people. There are four possible configurations:

  • Option 1: 4 people with wheelchairs + 2 people without wheelchairs + 1 driver
  • Option 2: 3 people with wheelchairs + 3 people without wheelchairs + 1 driver
  • Option 3: 2 people with wheelchairs + 4 people without wheelchairs + 1 driver
  • Option 4: 1 person with a wheelchair + 5 people without a wheelchair + 1 driver